Rule: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you.
1. I am often late in meeting people I’m very close with, but always early in meeting newly-acquainted people.
2. I dislike noise and crowds.
3. I am very into technology and geeky stuff.
4. I’m hot-tempered, but usually at the wrong people.
5. I’m usually very random.
6. I lose interest in things very quickly, although I also get into new hobbies very quickly.
7. I’d love to be carefree, and get the shit out of the rat race in future. At the same time, I can imagine what I can do with money, so perhaps I won’t quit the rat race so quickly =P.
8. I can be very superficial, and sometimes I enjoy being so. My eyes will hurt if I have to look beyond the skin for everyone.
9. I think the glass is empty sometimes, but the jug is always full =P.
10. I love (almost) any genre of music and dace, but I can’t play any musical instrument or dance for nuts.
11. I love socializing, yet hate it at the same time. Hard to explain, really.
12. I always wonder who, what, when, where, why, and how?
13. I love psychology and sociology, and am usually quite amused or impressed by how people come up with various theories.
14. No, the world doesn’t revolve around any of you. I dislike self-centred people.
15. I don’t like being tagged, but because Geri tagged me I’ve no choice. I love her and am very happy today’s our 3.5 years together.
16. Don’t take me seriously unless you know (or think you know) me well enough =P. Misunderstandings will arise and I hate unnecessary conflicts ^_^.
Ok, that’s all. I’m too lazy to find 16 people who’s willing to tag. Freedom of tag, anyone? =\
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