Mixed Emotions

Finally, the Temasek Open House 2005 event is over. Although I've been really busy the past few weeks, met some really screwed up people, I REALLY THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. Respect goes out to all my Mentors and Main Committee members. Honestly, I can't thank them enough. Initially, there were some problems among the Main Committee, but in the end it was just a simple misunderstanding that's been dragged for too long. My Mentors were really great people. Some people whom I thought wouldn't help, helped a lot! This shows that I'm still partially right. Treating everyone as equals will eventually gain the respect of some people. I'm really happy. Stewart from TEL actually told me thanks and that I'm a great Chairman. I don't really care about positions, but being praised really made me happy. However, the truth is, it isn't me who's great. It's the Mentors themselves, and the Main Committee. When I wasn't able to help out due to some other problems I'm attending to, they will all automatically fill me in. It's almost like any of them could've been the Chairman too. They're all leaders. In fact, I think most of them can do a better job than me.

It's sad that the Open House has come to an end, and with that, my E-Guides and the committee. BUT I've made some friends! Some great ones too. Of course, I've also made enemies with some E-Guides, but it doesn't bother me. I can't make everyone happy.

I've really learnt a lot from this one event, far more than I've learnt from stupid school subjects whereby the teacher doesn't practise what he preaches. Being a leader isn't all about making decisions. It's about listening to others. It's about COMMANDING AND GAINING respect, and NOT EXPECTING AND DEMANDING respect. You've to respect others, before others respect you. You don't bloody deserbe any respect if you EXPECT it without doing anything. Fear isn't respect. Being a leader is about being yourself, being who you REALLY are, and not about trying to portray the image of a perfect leader. If your followers see you as who you are, they will know your strengths and weaknesses. They'll know what to help you with. THEY WILL ALSO KNOW YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER HUMAN, and can RELATE to you directly. Interaction is ESSENTIAL.

And this is just the first step to becoming a leader. There's still 90% to go. I'm still learning! Haha.

To be honest, initially I was also hoping to see some pretty girls within the E-Guides. And yes, there're some. But most of them are useless dolls. What's the purpose of having the looks, when you don't have the character to match it? I'm going to try not to be so superficial. I've been like this since the day she broke up with me. Haha. Learnt my lesson!

Anyway, I saw Her today. Well, I did feel a bit sad, but what's over, remains over. SO I AM SO FUCKING GOING TO ENJOY MY LIFE AS IT IS ^_^.

Just want to end this with: To my Mentors & Main Committee, and the helpful E-Guides, I'm so GOING TO MISS ALL OF YOU! The blue shirt actually looks nice now... Thank you all for the experience.

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